
The Fluid Sealing Association estimates that upwards of 90% of bolted flanged connection failures are not due to material quality issues, but rather, installation-related deficiencies. This statistic is alarming and Stenzel Sealing Solutions has made it one of our core service practices to help educate and inform our customers on the products we sell and how to properly apply and install them. The safety of our customer’s facilities, their people, and their assets is a top priority in what and how we make our recommendations. We provide top-quality installation training for industrial components and installation training for industrial systems.

Gas and fluid sealing products are very specialized in their material properties design and often appear to have a very broad range of application compatibility. With the vast variety of materials available in the marketplace and variety by any given manufacturer, our extensive field and engineering experience can help you select the absolute best material and configuration for your application. We can evaluate your complete process applications and make plant-wide recommendations on the best materials and products, and then deliver focused installation training for industrial components.

fluid sealing

installation training for industrial components

Working with our globally recognized manufacturing partners, our technical team can provide various levels of on-site, virtual, or hybrid training to suit the needs of any facility or department. To the best of our ability, we like to provide hands-on training events with digitized feedback systems that allow the participants to feel and see how the system and components are interacting in real-time. This added feedback has proven to help facilities and installers improve the long-term integrity of their bolted flanged connections and the longevity of their installed assets.

Please contact us to find out more about our training programs and how we can make your facility perform at its optimum level while receiving higher returns on your asset investments and maintenance schedules.



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